Monday, December 30, 2019

10 Common Behavioral Interview Questions

10 Common Behavioral einstellungsgesprch Questions10 Common Behavioral Interview QuestionsDuring a job bewerbungsgesprch, it is likely that you will be asked behavioral interview questions. Find out more about this schrift of interview question, review the most common behavioral interview questions employers ask, and get tips on how to prepare and respond smoothly when youre asked to give examples of how you handle workplace situations. Why Are Behavioral Interview Questions Important? Behavioral job interviewtechniques are used by all types of companies. Unliketraditional job interview questionsthat ask you to describe what you did in a role or to share qualifications, these questions seek concrete examples of skills and experiences that relate directly to the position. Questions are generally formatted by presenting a situation, inquiring about what action you have taken to respond to something similar in the past, and what the result welches. The interviewer will ask how you handled a situation, and you will need to respond with an explanation of what you did.The logic is that yur success in the past is a positive indicator of your success in the future. 10 Behavioral Interview Questions and Sample Answers Here are popular behavioral interview questions you may be asked during a job interview. Review the responses and consider how you would answer the questions. As you can see from the sample responses, its importantto be ready with specific examples and anecdotes. While you dont need to memorize answers, have a sense of what experiences you would share and how to describe them to the interviewer. Youll want your examples to be both clear and succinct. 1. Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure. What They Want to Know If youre being considered for a high-stress job, the interviewer will want to know how well you can work under pressure. Give a real example of how youve dealt with pressure when you respond. I had been working on a ke y project that was scheduled for delivery to the client in 60 days. My supervisor came to me and said that we needed to speed it up and be ready in 45 days, while keeping our otzu sich projects on time. I made it into a challenge for my staff, and we effectively added just a few hours to each of our schedules and got the job done in 42 days by sharing the workload. Of course, I had a great group of people to work with, but I think that my effective allocation of tasks was a major component that contributed to the success of the project. ExpandMore AnswersHow do you handle stress? 2. How do you handle a challenge? Give an example. What They Want to Know Regardless of your job, things may go wrong and it wont always be business as usual. With this type of question, the hiring manager wants to know how you will react in a difficult situation. Focus on how you resolved a challenging situation when you respond. One time, my supervisor needed to leave town unexpectedly, and we were in the middle of complicated negotiations with a new sponsor. I was tasked with putting together a PowerPoint presentation just from the notes he had left, and some briefing from his manager. My presentation turned out successfully. We got the sponsorship, and the management team even recommended me for an award. ExpandMore AnswersTell me about how you handled a challenging situation. 3. Have you ever made a mistake? How did you handle it? What They Want to Know Nobody is perfect, and we all make mistakes. The interviewer is more interested in how you handled it when you made an error, rather than in the fact that it happened. I once misquoted the fees for a parteicular type of membership to the club where I worked. I explained my mistake to my supervisor, who appreciated my coming to him, and my honesty. He told me to offer to waive the application fee for the new member. The member joined the club despite my mistake, my supervisor was understanding, and although I felt bad that I had ma de a mistake, I learned to pay close attention to the details so as to be sure to give accurate information in the future. ExpandTips for RespondingHow to answer interview questions about mistakes. 4. Give an example of how you set goals. What They Want to Know With this question, the interviewer wants to know how well you plan and set goals for what you want to accomplish. The easiest way to respond is to share examples of successful goal setting. Within a few weeks of beginning my first job as a sales associate in a department store, I knew that I wanted to be in the fashion industry. I decided that I would work my way up to department manager, and at that point I would have enough money saved to be able to attend design school full-time. I did just that, and I even landed my first job through an internship I completed the summer before graduation. Expand5. Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it. What They Want to Know The hiring manager is intereste d in learning what you do to achieve your goals, and the steps you take to accomplish them. When I started working for XYZ Company, I wanted to achieve the Employee of the Month title. It was a motivational challenge, and not all the employees took it that seriously, but I really wanted that parking spot, and my picture on the wall. I went out of my way to be helpful to my colleagues, supervisors, and customers - which I would have done anyway. I liked the job and the people I worked with. The third month I was there, I got the honor. It was good to achieve my goal, and I actually ended up moving into a managerial position there pretty quickly, I think because of my positive attitude and perseverance. ExpandMore AnswersInterview questions about achieving your goals. 6. Describe a decision you made that wasnt popular, and explain how you handled implementing it. What They Want to Know Sometimes management has to make difficult decisions, and not all employees are happy when a new pol icy is put in place. If youre interviewing for a decision-making role, the interviewer will want to know your process for implementing change. Once, I inherited a group of employees when their supervisor relocated to another city. They had been allowed to cover each others shifts without management approval. I didnt like the inconsistencies, where certain people were being given more opportunities than others. I introduced a policy where I had my assistant approve all staffing changes, to make sure that everyone who wanted extra hours and was available at certain times could be utilized. ExpandMore AnswersWhat are the most difficult decisions to make? 7. Give an example of how you worked on a team. What They Want to Know Many jobs require working as part of a team. In interviews for those roles, the hiring manager will want to know how well you work with others and cooperate with other team members. During my last semester in college, I worked as part of a research team in the Histo ry department. The hochschulprofessor leading the project was writing a book on the development of language in Europe in the Middle Ages. We were each assigned different sectors to focus on, and I suggested that we meet independently before our weekly meeting with the professor to discuss our progress, and help each other out if we were having any difficulties. The professor really appreciated the way we worked together, and it helped to streamline his research as well. He was ready to start on his final copy months ahead of schedule because of the work we helped him with. ExpandTips for RespondingHow to answer interview questions about teamwork. 8. What do you do if you disagree with someone at work? What They Want to Know With this question, the interviewer is seeking insight into how you handle issues at work. Focus on how youve solved a problem or compromised when there was a workplace disagreement. A few years ago, I had a supervisor who wanted me to find ways to outsource most of the work we were doing in my department. I felt that my department was one where having the staff on premises had a huge impact on our effectiveness and ability to relate to our clients. I presented a strong case to her, and she came up with a compromise plan. ExpandTips for RespondingHow to answer interview questions about problems at work. 9. Share an example of how you were able to motivate employees or co-workers. What They Want to Know Do you have strong motivational skills? What strategies do you use to motivate your team? The hiring manager is looking for a concrete example of your ability to motivate others. I was in a situation once where the management of our department was taken over by employees with experience in a totally different industry, in an effort to maximize profits over service. Many of my co-workers were resistant to the sweeping changes that were being made, but I immediately recognized some of the benefits, and was able to motivate my colleagues to give the new process a chance to succeed. ExpandMore AnswersWhat strategies would you use to motivate your team? 10. Have you handled a difficult situation? How? What They Want to Know Can you handle difficult situations at work or do you not deal with them well? The employer will want to know what you do when theres a problem. When I worked at ABC Global, it came to my attention that one of my employees had become addicted to painkillers prescribed after she had surgery. Her performance was being negatively impacted, and she needed to get some help. I spoke with her privately, and I helped her to arrange a weekend treatment program that was covered by her insurance. Fortunately, she was able to get her life back on track, and she received a promotion about sixmonths later. Expand Possible Follow-Up Questions Have you worked on multiple projects? How did you prioritize?How do you handle meeting tight deadlines?How do you handle it when your schedule is interrupted?What do you do if y ou disagree with a co-worker?Give me an example of when you did or when you didnt listen.What do you do if you disagree with your boss?How do you handle it when theres a conflict among team members?What is your most career important accomplishment? Why? How to Preparefor a Behavioral Interview Learn about the company and the role. The more you know about the job and the company, the easier it will be to respond to interview questions. Take the time to research the company prior to your interview, and review the job posting so youre as familiar as possible with the role. Match your qualifications to the job. To help youprepare for a behavioral interview, review the job requirements, and make a list of thebehavioral skillsthat you have that closely match them. Hereshow to match your qualifications to the job. Make a list of examples. Interviewers develop questions to determine how successful a candidate will be, given the specific tasks of the job. Obviously, you want to present y our experiences as clearly as you can, using real examples, and highlighting situations where you were successful. Learn how to use the STAR interview technique to give well thought out and complete answers. Be ready to share a story. You may be asked variations of the questions listed above, but if you prepare some stories to share with the interviewer youll be able to respond readily respond. How to Make the Best Impression Before you head out to your interview, review these tips and strategies for behavioral interview success.Be sure youve got the appropriate interview attire ready to wear, have questions of your own ready to ask the interviewer, and are prepared to follow up after the interview with a thank-you note.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Here are a few habits that will make you feel more confident

Here are a few habits that will make you feel more confidentHere are a few habits that will make you feel more confidentYou should work on each of those factors. In my opinion, self-perception is the most important factor. You may have an impressive track record, others may praise you, but if you downplay those factors in your head, your confidence will suffer nonetheless.Your past experience and opinions of others are only as good as you allow them to be in your mind. Its because what really counts are not the facts, but your interpretation of facts.One man may fail and say to himself Ouch I failed. That hurt, but what I can learn from that experience?Another man thinks after failure I failed Im a worthless piece of s**t I suck Ill never succeedIt was the exact saatkorn experience, but guess whose confidence took the bigger blow?In order to become aware of your self-perception, you need to become aware of your self-talk. As in the examples above, its what you say to yourself that pl ays the crucial role in building/crushing your self-confidence. A few habits I found extremely helpful in detecting your self-talk1. JournalingYou often have very little idea how toxic your self-talk is before you capture it on paper. What binnenseems natural when going through your head, seems like the worst social scums wallowing on paper.Take my word no matter what you write about?- ?your feelings, plans, past experiences or events in your life?- ?if it only regards your internal world to some degree, an awareness about your self-talk will automatically enhance.2. Meditation.Close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to focus only on the air going through your nostrils, in and out.Your brain cannot stand a blank state. It will bombard you with random thoughts. You will engage in internal dialog. You will catch yourself on that and return to breathing. The thoughts will be back in a sec.This simple exercise provides enormous awareness about your thinking not only during the exercise but also hours later. Practice meditation regularly, and your self-awareness will sharpen, thats for sure.3. Silence.Try to not utter a word for an hour or a whole day. Shut up. Communicate with grunts and gestures. The effort of stopping your blurts will quickly make you more aware of the words that are forcing their way from your mind to your mouth.Perception of OthersFeedback from other humans can be as overarching to your confidence as events and your deeds.Especially if someone who you admire and respect praises you, it can have a significantly positive impact on your confidence.If you repeatedly hear the same praise and words of appreciation from many different people, you start believing them even if your self-talk sucks.Im naturally inclined to dismiss other peoples praises. They dont know me and my situation they are just being nice and so on. But when I heard hundreds of times from different people, most of them total strangers, that my writing is good and impactful, I sta rted to believe that Im a decent writer and can affect the lives of others with my words.We are social animals. We pay utmost importance to opinions of others.However, improving other peoples opinions about you is in your reach as well. A couple of useful habits in that regard1. Make Eye Contact and Smile.This is an uber-hack. I was a withdrawn introvert. In fact, I still am. But I trained myself to smile whenever I see someone in the vicinity. And people smile back at me They notice and recognize me.This is such a small thing that can make such a huge difference in your social perception.2. Shut Up.I mean, listen much more than you talk. People love to talk. People love to talk about themselves. People love to feel you are concerned about them.So, shut up and constrain yourself from sharing your perspective and your stories without invitation to do so. You will make an impression of a caring and sympathetic person.This article was originally published atQuora.

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Stay Positive While Job Hunting

How to Stay Positive While Job HuntingHow to Stay Positive While Job HuntingIt is easy to become frustrated or disheartened during a job search, particularly if youve been unemployed or job hunting for an extended period. However, it is important to try to remain positive throughout. Feeling positive will help motivate you to continue with your search. Also, your positive attitude will come across during interviews and networking opportunities, increasing your gunst der stundes of making a strong first impression. Tips for Staying Positive During a Job Search Here are tips for remaining upbeat and enthusiastic during your job search. Get Organized Take time to get organized. Having everything you need for a job search ready - your resume and LinkedIn profile updated, some references you can use, an interview outfit ready to wear, and a plan for organizing your job search in place- will make the process much smoother.If you havent started job hunting yet, spend time getting set be fore you start. If youre in the middle of a job hunt, but not having much luck, set aside time to make sure your resume is updated and enticing to prospective employers, your LinkedIn profile is polished and professional, youre connected to the right people, and you have references ready to endorse your credentials.Review our 30 Days to Your Dream Job series to ensure youve covered the basics you need for an effective job search, and to break your search into manageable steps. Create a Daily Job Search Routine If possible, treat your job search like a 9 - 5 job. For the time being, consider your job search as your full-time job. Wake up early, take a lunch break, and end your job search activities before dinner.Creating a regular routine and keeping your job search organized will keep you focused and motivated. Also, rahmen a start and end time to your job search forces you to stop thinking about your job search in the evenings, and spend time focusing on other important aspects of your life, like your friends and family. These time management tips will help you make the best use of the time you have to spend on your job search.Find Time to Not Think About Your Job Search Its easy to have your job search alwaysin the back of your mind. However, excessive worry about your job search only increases your stress and keeps you from enjoying other aspects of your life. Set aside time each day to forget about your job search and do something you enjoy, like going for a walk or to the gym (exercise is an important way to de-stress) or going or a movie. Focus on Your Positives When job searching, it is useful to make a list of your best qualities, skills, and accomplishments. This list will help you when crafting your cover letters and when practicing for an interview. Keep this list where you can see it, and review it regularly. Remembering what makes you a successful job candidate and a talented, unique person will help boost your confidence during the job search pro cess.Set Reasonable, Concrete Goals At the start of each week, make a list of specific, manageable goals that you would like to achieve. Perhaps youd like to write five cover letters that week or go to three job fairs. By focusing on small, achievable goals, you will feel mora accomplished throughout your job search. Spend Some Time Networking In-Person Even though you can successfully network online, nothing beats in-person networking. A cup of coffee with a former colleague, client, or friend may get you job leads that you wouldnt have otherwise known about. On a similar note, dont be shy aboutasking your friends and family for job search assistance. The more people who know youre seeking employment, the better your chances of getting hired quickly.Volunteer Helping others is a good way to help you feel more purpose-driven. Find a volunteer organization that is related to your personal interests, or even to your career. Volunteer organizations also provide networkingopportunities. The time you spend volunteering can bolster your resume and count as part of your job searching work schedule. Join (or Start) a Job Search Club Joining an organization of other job seekers will provide you with much-needed support. A job club can help you stay on top of your own job search, and may even provide you with job search tips and job leads. Look to networking sites, your local library, or your college career center for possible clubs.Celebrate Small Victories It is easy to focus on the negative during a job search, such as the interview you didnt land or the job you didnt get. Instead, focus on even the smallest wins. Be proud of yourself for getting a phone interview, even if you dont get asked for an in-person interview. Pat yourself on the back when you make a new LinkedIn connectionor someone comments on your blog post. Celebrating the small wins will help you tofocus on the positive. Move On Quickly If you apply for a jobor interview for a position, it is easy to be come fixated on waiting for a reply from the employer. Yes, you should keep track of the jobs to which you apply, and you can contact the employer if you do not hear a response in a week or two. However, if you dont receive any response, or if you do not get the job, move on. Simply cross that job off of your list and focus on the next opportunity.See Everything as an Opportunity Its easy to become tired of writing cover letters, going to interviews, and networking. However, try to think of each activity as an opportunity that will only make you a better candidate. If you are interviewing for a job, you dont think you want (or dont think you will get), try to think of the interview as a chance to network and towork on your interview skills. Think of each cover letter as the chance to hone your writing and editing abilities. Simply thinking of tasks as opportunities rather than chores will put you in a positive mindset. Focus on What You Can Control You cant control whetheror when an interviewer will call you back, or whether those networking contacts you emailed will provide you with any leads. If you feel yourself worrying about something that is out of your control, do something that you can control, such as writing and sending out a cover letter, or attending a networking event.By focusing on what you can do to help your job search, you will worry less about what is out of your hands. Even though it might seem like its taking forever, once ready to start your new job it will be worth all the effort you put into getting hired, and the time you spent dealing with a difficult job search.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nursing Assistant Skills List

Nursing Assistant Skills ListNursing Assistant Skills ListNursing assistants have a wide range of responsibilities encompassing many duties, from pain management and infection control to creating a safe healthcare environment. Personal skills range from sound judgment to maintaining respectful bedside manner. Nursing assistants work under the supervision of a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN), usually in a hospital or a long-term care setting. They have to complete a post-secondary training program and go through a certification process. Although you dont need a degree to be a nursing assistant, relevant degree programs do exist and will both help prepare you for the work and make you more competitive against other entry-level candidates. Nursing Assistant Duties A nursing assistants duties revolve mostly around the basic daily physical care of patients and associated record keeping. You might help patients use the bathroom or take care of other sanitary nee ds. You might feed patients who cannot feed themselves, turn bed-ridden patients to prevent pressure sores, transport patients, and help ambulatory patients walk. You might also change dressings, help with surgical prep, check vital signs and weight, and perform a basic urinalysis. If a patient summons help, youll be the one to find out what they need. Youll have to keep proper records of everything you do and youll have to pass on your observations of your patients to your supervisor. You will also be responsible for maintaining your work at all applicable professional and legal standards.? Examples of Nursing Assistant Skills Nursing assistant skills fall into two main categories, technical and interpersonal. The technical skills are more obviously medical and more specific to nursing. Interpersonal skills, in contrast, are hardly unique to nurses but are critically important to their work. Basic Medical Knowledge You will not be a doctor, but you do have to understand bio logical and physiological issues, including common disorders and diseases. You need to understand infectious diseases and how to prevent the spread of infection. You need to understand whats going on with your patients, and if somebody suddenly presents with dangerous symptoms, you need to notice so you can get help. Basic Medical Techniques Nursing assistants will usually observe and record vital signs, including respiration, body temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. You should also know how to change dressings properly and maintain patient safety and personal hygiene. Empathy and Compassion Empathy and compassion are seldom thought of as skills, but you can practice and develop them. You cannot be an effective nursing assistant if you do not care about your patients as human beings. Experiencing empathy and expressing compassion will make for a happier career as a nursing assistant, and will make you overall much better at your job. If you have an innately hard time emb odying these qualities, the role of a nursing assistant might not be for you. Time Management and Organization Medical facilities can become chaotic if staff are not careful. Patient needs can become backlogged and an entire facility can run on a time deficit, raising everyones workload, if time isnt managed and tasks arent well organized. You will be responsible for keeping yourself on track, and you may also be responsible for keeping colleagues and bosses in line with organization practices and on schedule. Attention to Detail Not only must you do all your patient care techniques correctly every time, but if a patients health goes in the wrong direction, you should notice. Even small changes in a patient can indicate a problem, like a change in pupil dilation, breath odor, or personal habit, for example. You should be comfortable with and aware of the small details. Communication Skills Not only must you document everything thoroughly, clearly, and correctly, you shou ld also be just as strong in your verbal communications. Interactions with doctors, other medical and nursing staff, patients, and their families will certainly be an integral part of any nursing assistant job. List of Nursing Assistant Skills Personal Traits AccuracyAttention to DetailCommunicationCompassionCooperationCustomer ServiceDefusing Patient Anger/FrustrationDependabilityEmpathyListeningMultitaskingOrganizational SkillsPatiencePositive AttitudePrioritizingProblem SolvingResolving ConflictsSafety OrientedSense of HumorTact Interpersonal Skills Reassuring Residents and FamiliesDirecting Group ActivitiesInstructing Family Members Regarding CareMentoring New StaffOrienting Residents to Daily Routine Patient Care Skills AmbulatingComfort CareCommunicating with Patients with Hearing, Vision and Speech LossAdministering Heat and Ice PacksApplying and Changing Wraps and BandagesAssisting with Elimination and Toileting ProcessDressing Patients with Physical ChallengesEncouragin g/Motivating PatientsPatient CarePersonal HygieneProviding Comfort CareBathing and Showering ResidentsChanging Bed Linens While Patient is in BedFeedingIdentify Patient NeedsServing Food and Drinks in Accordance with Dietary NeedsSkin CareTeamwork Time ManagementTransporting PatientsTransfer and Discharge of PatientsLifting, Positioning and Transferring PatientsProviding Dental Care Record Keeping and Protocols Adhering to Infection Control ProtocolsCharting Patient Services and ActivitiesCleaning and Disinfecting EquipmentCollect SpecimensDirect Care ServicesDocumentationEnsuring Patient RightsFollowing Care PlansMaintaining an Orderly and Clean EnvironmentMaintaining ConfidentialityMeasuring and Recording Vital SignsMonitoring Physical/Emotional/Behavioral ChangesRecord KeepingReporting Details of Changes in Patients to NursesUtilizing Adaptive Equipment and Safety Devices Properly How to Use Skills Lists Remember to clearly name your relevant skills in yourcover letterandresu me. You can use this list to remind yourself of what to mention, though you should always read job descriptions carefully, too. Employers vary in their priorities, even within a single field. You can use the same process to plan yourinterview. Focus on the skills you know your prospective employer really wants, and plan to give a concrete example of a specific time you embodied each. It may also help to review our lists ofskills listed by jobandtypes of skill.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What to Do When Someone Just Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile

What to Do When Someone Just Viewed Your LinkedIn ProfileWhat to Do When Someone Just Viewed Your LinkedIn ProfileLinkedIn has grown into one of the most powerful online platforms for social, career and job-related networking. Its popular among employers and employees alike and thats what makes it a lively place where these two worlds keep interacting.Regardless of your current employment status, LinkedIn can take your career prospects to the next level. The first step towards making a good impression is updating your profile and crafting a cool summary. Once youre done, you can sit back and watch people come and have a look. And thats really what makes LinkedIn great - the sneaky feature that will tell you when somebody stumbles upon your profile.It might as well have been just an accident, but those people often have a reason to check you out. Our guide will show you how to transform this treasure trove of complete strangers into a bunch of full-blown connections that will give yo u a leg up in your career.How did they find me?If someones viewed your LinkedIn profile, they must have used one of these tools to land on your pageLinkedIn nachrichten FeedStay In Touch sidebarRegular search (or searchingfor keywords, company, location, industry, etc.)Recruiters Tool (with this tool, recruiters are invisible to you)Regardless of the tool, its always a good sign when theres someone out there interested in what you do and theres a chance they might want to learn mora about you.How can I landbinnensee who viewed my LinkedIn profile?Youre probably eager to know whos been checking you out on LinkedIn. However, the amount of information differs depending on whether youre using a basic free membership account or a premium subscription.Naturally, premium membership comes with extra features that make it worth giving it a thought (LinkedIns offering a free 1-month trial). Lets sum up the differencesWith a basic free LinkedIn account, you can see up to 5 results of who has v iewed your profilethe number of visits to your profilethe number of times youve appeared in search resultsWith a premium LinkedIn account, you cansee an unlimited number of people who have visited your profile see other information like trends in viewership and industry representationNote that the information you can see concerning people whove viewed your profile depends on their privacy settings, not on your membership. Having a premium account doesnt let you see any additional information about viewers if they chose to provide restricted access to their profile via their own privacy settings.There are 3 levels of privacy settings on LinkedIn that can prevent you from seeing the identity of other people checking out your profileName and headline. You will see their name, job title, and employer. Partially anonymous. You can see limited information like title and industry or company. Totally anonymous. You will see only LinkedIn Member or Someone from the Russia.Where can I see my profile views?There are two ways to see the information about who has viewed your profile.Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click View profile and then Whos viewed your profile on Your dashboard.Just click Whos viewed your profile beneath your profile photo on the left rail of your LinkedIn homepage.The Whos viewed your profile feature displays your profile visitors in the last 90 days.Should I contact someone who views my profile?So theres a bunch of people that seem to be - for some reason - interested in you. Now what? Should you message them right away or just connect with them? Or rather not?It all depends on whos the one looking at your profile. It can be an old colleague youd love to get back in touch with, a hiring manager youd be thrilled to hear from or someone who could potentially help you network your way to a new job at your dream company.You need to become a Sherlock Holmes of sorts. Understanding why they viewed your profile or how they found it will help you decide if or how to respond.Here are three possible scenarios together with example messages that will help you start the conversationWhen a hiring manager views your profileThe hiring manager for that job that you recently applied for checked out your profile. A good sign? Well, definitely The employers interested enough in you to dig in a little deeper. But when it comes to how you should react, choose patience. Dont let your excitement cloud your judgement.First, you should realise this is just another step in the hiring process. In the age of social media, checking out applicants online blueprints by recruiters is an easy way to find out more about prospective employees before inviting them for an interview.And what if the HR manager never gets back to you? If nothing else, at least you have the name of the recruiter you can connect with. And thats always a better way of staying in touch than through a generic schmelzglas communication via something like jobscom the viewers working for an awesome companyHowever, if you notice the viewers work for a company thats been on your radar for years or if you see some sort of connection, failing to message them could as well result in a missed career opportunity.LinkedIn is not the place to be shy and wait for the miracle to happen. If you want something, you need to ask for it. The worst thing that can happen is that they wont reply at all.All in all, you have very little to lose. But that doesnt mean you shouldnt spend some time crafting your message.Start by making it clear why youd like to connect, including how you might be helpful to them. You can either reference that theyve viewed your profile or simply your reason for reaching out based on their background.Heres an example message if theres an open position you know aboutHello Katie,I see youre working as a Project Manager at Company X. I recently submitted my application for an open Account Executive position there, and am lo oking forward to finding out more about the opportunity it seems like an awesome placeBest,JamesAnd heres a message to send when the companys not hiring at the momentHi Katie,I hope youre doing wellI see youre working work as a Project Manager at Company X. Ive admired their work for quite some time, so I thought Id connect with you hereLooking forward to keeping in touch.Best,JamesWhen youre not sure why they were lookingLets say you have no idea who the viewer is. First, check out their profile in return and see if theres anything you share with that person. You might have graduated from the same school in the same time period or with a similar major, for example.Maybe you were both working for the same company (but at different times or in different locations), live in the same city or have lots of mutual connections. And thats a great reason to start off a conversation.However, LinkedIns default connection message is an autopilot that will do more harm than good. Tailor it to m ake it more personal and motivate the person to engage with your profile. It doesnt necessarily need to be a page long essay, but make sure to include all connections, interests or experiences you share. Focus on a common bond between the two of you and make it clear why youre making the connectionHey Katie,Thank you for looking at my LinkedIn profileMy name is James and Im a SoCal-based freelance writer. Im always looking to expand my network of contacts (especially with fellow UCLA alumni), so Id love to connect with you here.Looking forward to keeping in touch and finding ways to help each other out.Best, JamesIf nothing of that is true, chances are the viewers lacking an obvious connection may have accidentally clicked on your profile. Sometimes during the search one may click on the profile of someone else with an identical name, for example.So if you decide to reach out, you dont necessarily need to remind them that they viewed your profile. Often they may not even remember do ing so. Heres an example of a message that you can send to someone you know nothing aboutDear Katie,Hope youre having a great week I would like to connect with you because Im always open to hearing about great opportunities and will be willing to help you with any of your searches if I can.Best,James4. When should I reach out?You sure dont want to come off as a LinkedIn weirdo thats impatiently waiting till someone pays a visit to their profile and then bombards the viewer with questions like How did you find me? or Why were you checking me out?Lets say its a recruiter or hiring manager that you want to hook up with (Which is great news). But the worst thing you could do is convey the impression that youre desperate and immediately prey on everyone who views your profile.Stalking people on social media can make a rather bad impression. So take your time and dont shoot a message at people immediately after they view your profile. Waiting a day or two before sending a message will do the job.Use LinkedIn to your advantageLinkedIn is the most powerful professional network and its a great idea to harness all of its potential for networking. Its teeming with opportunities that are within your hands reach. Never before has it been so easy to engage in conversations that can enhance your professional life. So if you want to advance your career, LinkedIn is the fastest way to connect with hiring managers and industry professionals from around the globe. After all, firing off a message and kick starting a relationship online is far easier than having to attend dozens of job fairs and professional conferences, right? Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Do This, Get That Guide On Traditional Resume

The Do This, Get That Guide On Traditional Resume Chronological resumes are the ideal distributions-mix to highlight your accomplishments. Typical and humdrum resumes could be ideal for the large job. The Death of Traditional Resume Employers know of changing landscape, and more and more, talent acquisition folks are interested in folks who have the capacity to figure things out by themselves. In a couple of years, however, new varieties of resumes could be the norm in some specific industries. While companies might be able to discover suitable candidates through scouring data online, submitting a resume to a company which is tailor-made for that particular company is a sign of enthusiasm and a signaling mechanism. Instead, attempt to comprehend why you wish to work for that particular firm. In the very first paragraph, the info is uninterrupted and too dense, making it more difficult to figure out the applicants experience. You will need a traditional resume to comply wi th a few employers requirements. Contact employers that arent necessarily hiring. Potential employers can be quite thorough when it has to do with examining your resume. As employers may just devote a couple of seconds on each resume, prioritizing the latest information helps ensures your experience becomes seen. Acing all kinds of job interviews is important for nabbing an offer. All college students gain from resume editing help. Nontraditional resumes arent for everybody. Lets look at a favorite work-from-home job advertisement from U-Haul. Pepper words throughout the resume which are related to the job which youre applying for. The very first place to trackdown key terms to use is the work advertisement itself. By first deciding which category is suitable for your job search best, you can easily locate the very best type of resume for you. Basic doesnt need to mean boring, as you will notice in the wide selection of free basic resume templates we offer. Basic layo uts are extremely simple to edit, even when you have never made a resume before. Employing a resume template has turned into an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few reasons. With so many resume styles to select from, it can be tricky to understand where to start when it has to do with creating your own. A functional resume format is also helpful if you are out of work for a considerable period of time. Remember the essential details above, and you arent going to fail. More to the point, informational interviews are a fantastic way to enhance your self-confidence. As its the very first thing people will see in your profile, you are going to would like it to earn a strong impression. You need to make a great impression with just a few sentences. Too many folks make the error of thinking that a resumes purpose is to receive them a job. Make it something that folks wish to pass along. Doctors just want to work with PAs who know they are doing. By way of example, add a hyphen or plus sign at the onset of every one of the jobs in your history, so the info is not all lumped together. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. You must sound to be an in-demand job candidate If youre explaining a present eu-agrarpolitik in employment, you should sound as if youre being selective and that youre focused on ensuring you get the best fit for the very long term, instead of just accepting the very first job you encounter. If youre in the procedure for job searching in a new field, its probable that your main concern is a shortage of experience. The Foolproof Traditional Resume Strategy As stated above, at times its safer to submit a conventional resumebut that doesnt indicate you need to throw your creative resume away. Basic resumes typically have an extremely classic and classic tone. Chronological resumes are among three common resume formats. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they are sometimes effective when done well.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

10 Pre-Written Templates For Your Toughest Work Emails

10 Pre-Written Templates For Your Toughest Work Emails 10 Pre-Written Templates For Your Toughest Work EmailsPosted November 2, 2016, by Vivien Luu Weve all been there. Hunched over the keyboard, staring at the flickering cursor on the screen, wondering, How on earth do I write this email? You start writing, and then delete the whole thing, only to start over because youre not quite sure of what to say (or how to say it). The email ends up getting tossed into the too hard basket (aka the drafts folder), and sits there idle for a few days or weeks until you cant possibly put it off any longer, and finally have to hit send, feeling like a bundle of nerves. Well, you can stop hovering over that send button like youre about to launch a nuke. And theres no need to agonise over whether its better to sign off with Cheers or Best regards (FYI Use Cheers for friendly conversations, and Best regards for more formal emails). ur team of writers has done all the agonising for you We re serving up 10 perfectly phrased, concisely written and completely diplomatic email templates to help you conquer your toughest work emails and navigate those awkward work scenarios with the poise and grace of an Email Etiquette Ninja. From sending a friendly (but not too pushy) follow up email to see whether you got the job, to asking a former manager for a letter of recommendation weve got you covered. Feel free to adapt and use these as you see fit Job hunting 1. You want to write a memorable thank you to your interviewerwithout sucking up 2. You need to chase up a job you applied for but dont want to seem pushy 3. You have to reject a job offer that youve already accepted At work/ In the office 4.Theres a conflict in the workplace and you need to tell your boss 5.You need to say no to a big project/client 6.You need to ask for some time off work (but dont want to go into the details) 7. You have absolutely no idea what the sender wants Career progression 8 . Youd like to ask someone to be your ratgeber 9.You want to catch up with a new contact that you met while networking 10.You need to ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation Bookmark this page, or to take your email etiquette and productivity to the next level, try saving these emails as templates in your inbox. Having them on file means that no matter how tough or awkward the email, youve got this Enjoy. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesguide to ace your next interviewdefine good work ethics in aged carehow to become a social worker in australiahow to become a mental health worker in australiainformal vacation request email CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire zugnglich Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire Onl ineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire Online Vivien LuuViv is a writer who enjoys researching and writing about creativity, how the human mind works, and neuro processes. She values creativity above all else and admires people who pursue their career dreams, no matter the sacrifice. In her spare time, she binges on HBO shows and epic fantasy novels.Related ArticlesBrowse moreWORKFORCE TRENDSWill cutting migrant numbers save Aussie jobs?The governments decision to slash skilled migrant numbers in a bid to boost local employment has received a mixed response from industry, unions and academics.Career counsellorHigh schoolBe prepared your summer holiday survival guideSchool holidays are on the horizon but if youre in your senior years then chances are you wont want to waste away all your time on sun and sand. You can relax and revise at the same time with this Scout-inspired summer survival guide.CA REER ADVICECAREER INSPIRATION8 new years resolutions to boost your careerTo make sure you get off on the right foot this year, we take a look at some work-related New Years resolutions that will see you catapulting your way to happiness, health and success.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Professional Demonstrator CV Template

Professional Demonstrator CV TemplateProfessional Demonstrator CV TemplateIntroductionAt the end of the day, a CV is meant to show hiring managers what makes you different from every other applicant wanting an open job, which means you cannotlage settle for providing basic information. You need to go above and beyond by including noteworthy details and employing the job description provided in an effective manner. Do not worry if you are unsure of how to do that because this professional demonstrator cv template and accompanying tips show you everything you need to know.Create This CVDemonstrator CV Template Mara OswaltSalt Lake City, Utah 11111E T 555-555-7121Professional SummaryHard-working demonstrator who learns everything there is to know about a product before putting it on display for the general public. Experience going to trade shows and conventions to network with other organizations and demonstrate a companys inventory. True team player who believes in making the shopping experience fun for both customers and coworkers. Always willing to place an emphasis on the customers needs and recommend products accordingly. Work ExperiencesDemonstratorSuperb GroceriesApril 2016 Present* Provide samples of food and demonstrate how to use new appliances, including state-of-the-art blenders and toasters, to customers* Maintain records of all items sold during a special presentation and present paperwork to manager. * Research products before presenting them for a demonstrator and thoroughly answer any questions qualifikation customers have. * Write promotional materials, such as brochures and leaflets, to provide to customers after the implementation of this system, saw an increase of 30 percent in sales of products. * Train other individuals to sell products and teach others how to communicate effectively. Product DemonstratorGreat Demonstration Services, Inc.October 2014 April 2016* Maintained a flexible schedule to visit various stores in the area to demonstrate products whenever I was hired out. * Arranged attractive displays and dismantled everything at the end of a presentation. * Learned about products offered by stores competitors to efficiently address concerns presented by customers as to why the product should be purchased over similar ones. * Suggested other products that could best meet a customers needs whenever the product being presented did not quite fit. * Wore special costumes on several occasions to catch peoples attention. Product AmbassadorYR Grand MarketJune 2011 October 2014* Attended various trade shows across the state to represent the company and promote products. * Communicated with employer to determine which products should be placed on sale and given presentations. * Stocked shelves of store whenever presentations were not being conducted. * Created special offers and coupons that were distributed to customers, resulting in a 20 percent increase in sales of products that were overstock ed.Education and TrainingSouth High School Graduated Class of 2011Skills* Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal* Great customer tafelgeschirr skills* Effective persuasion capabilities* Expertise with presentation software, including Microsoft PowerPoint* Experience with bar code readers, various kitchen appliances, and personal computers* Able to work with minimal supervisionHobbies and InterestsOutside of sales, I am passionate about photography. Although I would not necessarily call it a side business, I have been hired by individuals to take engagement and wedding photos. I have earned a reputation among my peers for my friendly demeanor and personable attitude.Customize CVUsing a Job Description to Create a Standout Demonstrator CVA Sample Demonstrator DescriptionJob SummaryFor the right person, working as a demonstrator here at Demonstrating More, Inc. can bring a lot of potential. Our demonstrators are hired by various stores throughout the state of Utah to come in and demonstrate how to use specific products. You will be expected to learn about the product in question and schedule a time to go into the store to show it off. On top of the base salary you earn with us, you also earn commission from the store based on the number of products you are able to sell as a direct result of the presentation. This is a great opportunity for anyone who loves to learn and talk with new people. You should have a friendly demeanor and personable attitude to get along with everyone. Apply today if you are excited about the prospect of being in complete charge of your earning potentialJob Responsibilities* Provide information and samples to customers at stores and give them promotional materials, including coupons or brochures. * Set up your stand and break it down at the end of every shift, remaining on your feet for the duration. * Conduct research on a product and store before heading out to a site so you can speak as an authority. * Answer any que stions customers might have after your demonstration. * Have review cards on hand so customers can grade your performance and present those cards to management. Job Skills* High school diploma or GED* Prior experience working in customer service* Able to work with minimal supervision* Excellent communication skills* Proficient with Microsoft PowerPointCreate This CVHow to Employ the Job Description in Your Demonstrator CVIf it has been a while since you entered the job hunt, then you definitely want to take some time to update your CV. Naturally, you want to update it with any new experiences or skills you have gained, but you also want to customize it to be applicable to the job description you found. The demonstrator cv template does this with the sample job description by repeating bullet points such as excellent communication skills. You also do not have to take points from the Skills section of the job description and solely place them in the Skills section of your CV. The desc riptions Job Summary mentions needing a candidate who has a friendly demeanor and personable attitude. That point gets repeated in a unique place in the demonstrator cv template the Hobbies and Interests section. Most people use the Hobbies section to mention something they enjoy doing but ultimately has nothing to do with the job. Regardless of what your hobbies actually are, you should find a way to make them relevant to the job you want.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Make Your Seasonal Job Year-Round

Make Your Seasonal Job Year-RoundMake Your Seasonal Job Year-RoundThere are many reasons that more than 700,000 American workers take on seasonal jobs each year.For starters, theres the additional income. And then theres the opportunity to increase your schill set or even test out a potential job transition. No matter your reason, if you enjoy taking on seasonal employment opportunities, you might not be taking full advantage of your skills.Instead of calling it quits and searching for work, you could transition into a new seasons worth of work. Here are four types of seasonal work and their off-season counterparts that could help you maintain seasonal employment year-round.1. Seasonal Customer Service OpportunitiesThe traits that make up an excellent customer tafelgeschirr representative can serve you well when it comes to finding seasonal work. Almost every industry has a need for your talent and your skill set. So if you know how to provide a smooth, pleasant customer tafelgeschir r experience while making far-from-home customers feel welcome, you should be able to slide from season to season smoothly in some of the following jobs.For springTake your talents to the seas. Visit All Cruise Jobs to work aboard one of thousands of cruise ships as a seasonal customer service professional.For summerFill in one of the hundreds of job opportunities in vacation towns. From beach shops to restaurants, sites like Cool Works fill you in on part-time and full-time seasonal work in popular places.For fallEmbrace cooler weather and the outdoors by taking on a seasonal retail roll at pop-up Halloween shops like Spirit Halloween. You can also search Simply Hired for positions at haunted houses, hayrides and pumpkin patches that often take on seasonal support for ansicht fun pastimes.For winterRide this wave of seasonal customer service employment into the winter holiday season with big brand stores like Kohls and Wal-Mart as they take on extra customer service professionals. Just search Simply Hired for seasonal during the months of September and October.2. Seasonal Manual Labor and Lawn Service OpportunitiesManual labor and lawn service are also popular seasonal employment opportunities. Both kinds of service require a love of the outdoors and a capacity for physical work like lifting and carrying up to 50 pounds (and sometimes more) and being on your feet for a significant portion of the day. If you have a knack for physical work or would like to enjoy the outdoors while being paid, these opportunities may be a great fit.For springHelp private residents prepare for the summer by working as a pool service technician. Depending on your geographic location, you could connect with a year-round pool service company or hire yourself out on a referral basis.For summerIn most geographic regions, summer starts the call for lawn service professionals. In particular, you could try mowing and weeding and other professional lawn service tasks. Much like pool servi ces, you can connect with a professional lawn maintenance team or offer your services as a freelance laborer.For fallWhen the weather begins to cool, the leaves begin to fall. That spells incoming calls for lawn service professionals who offer raking and gutter-cleaningservices.For winterThe need for winter outdoor service explodes. Increased amounts of ice and snow leave residents and commercial properties needing snow removal services.3. Seasonal Qualified ProfessionalsWhile the following qualified or certified professionals rarely need a two- or four-year degree, they do need to invest more time and resources into the knowledge that comes with their field. However, that also means they can charge more for their specialized services and are often more in demand. If you have a personal interest in any of these services, it might be worthwhile to consider pursuing these positions.For springWhile you may not be looking forward to tax season as a taxpayer, if you enjoy accounting and numbers, working as an entry level associateor administrative assistant for a tax and accounting firm might be a good way to get to know the industry and make connections.For summerWhen the days get hot, everyone loves their heating, ventilation and air conditioning guy or gal. In particular, they love air conditioning services. Open up this seasonal career path by securing an HVAC technician apprenticeship or classroom training.For fallContinue HVAC work into the fall by turning your attention to heating and ventilation, two important aspects of maintaining a warm home in the winter.For winterCity and county transportation services often have increased labor needs during storm seasons. Depending on where you live, that may mean an increased need for labor for salting and storm maintenance for local airports, schools and city and county government services.4. Seasonal Family and Child Expertise OpportunitiesDo you love kids and working with families? If you have passion or expertise in this area, then youll be a great fit for seasonal family and child care opportunities that allow you to work with kids for extended periods of time. Depending on your time availability, check out these optionsFor springHave a flexible schedule? Consider traveling to common spring break destinations to offer your services as a lifeguard or in pool maintenance in beach towns or any warm-weathered resort towns that have pools.For summerIf you enjoyed camping as a child, you might relish the opportunity to be a part of those memories for a new generation. Consider taking on a camp counselor or camp director position from InterExchange or performing a seasonal search on Simply Hired.For fallIf you enjoy the outdoors, you could also find temporary or seasonal employment with one of the many U.S. national parks. These opportunities will allow you to engage with children, families and nature at the same time.For winterCarry these childcare opportunities through ski season by seeking out opportunities at a ski resort that offers day care or family services to ski lodge residents.No matter what your skill set, there are many opportunities to use your skills and grow throughout the year.

Researcher Focus Advanced Materials

Researcher Focus Advanced Materials Researcher Focus Advanced Materials Researcher Focus: Advanced Materials Professor Shiren Wang, Director of the Nanomanufacturing and Nanomaterials Laboratory at Texas Tech > Researcher Focus: Advanced Materials Interview conducted by Paul Glanville In a nutshell tell us about your research... focused on nanomaterial processing to apply nanomaterials for the energy applications. How does your results compare with standard supercapacitors right now? Generally the supercapacitors has a high-powered density. Thats pretty good. This is an issue in the market, so we try to use the nano wire as an electrode. As a result, we found out what this kind of nanomaterial can do to significantly improve the high-powered density. Help me imagine what kinds of technologies would use a super capacitor? The most prominent one we hope to use it in the future is the electric powered car. What sorts of issues do you run into with the fabrication of these nanomaterials? Using nanomanufacturing techniques we assemble the nanostructures individually and then to scale. Is that a pretty difficult process to achieve in the lab? Its currently pretty simple. What are some of the ways that you verify that, visually or otherwise? We use microscopes to look at the hierarchical structure. We can see that there is a one dimension in a wire, and a two dimension nanomaterial structure. You probably have quite a few students working with you on this research. How did they come to learn about your research, and I imagine theyre very excited about it? Yes. In the beginning, they are motivated by the application, because the supercapacitor has really big potential application. Like a cell phone. Cheaper iPhones that they use I think maybe have about two and a half days of life, thats a problem. So they are motivated by the potential application, and then they come to learn the fabrication process. Now your research is inherently tied between the fields of mechanical engineering and electronics engineering. How do you and your students cross both disciplines? I think its just going to be such a hybrid. Im calling that industrial engineering, but mostly a form of manufacturing. Our students, including myself, represent manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering, and sometimes material engineering. For my students that want to work here on this topic I suggest they take a class in different departments, in a different area. The purpose is to try to learn specific knowledge for this kind of nanomanufacturing for energy applications. When you were a younger researcher back in your graduate school days how did you find out about this area of research, and how did you know you were interested in energy applications? I checked the job market to see how many job openings were in this kind of field. I understood, the energy issue is pretty important. When you read the newspapers or watch TV, energy is a big challenge around the world. So I think, maybe if you work in this area youll get more opportunities for your career, because this is kind of an important question to everybody. We have to drive cars, so how can we reduce the oil at the point of consumption, how do you reduce the dependence and the fuel. Maybe potentially we do can develop a good solution. What youre saying is that looking at societal problems first. Then you see job opportunities, then you focus your research in that area. Yes. Because everybody is looking for a job, so we look at society issues. In the ASME magazine, look at the job ads, youll see how many opportunities go in this direction. So thats most important motivation for us to work on. How do you think your students can be better prepared for the advanced manufacturing industry? They need to learn some basic material processes and how to combine that knowledge in ways that targets an application. Do you give them opportunities to be creative, working in teams? Yes. Theyve created work plans, provided ideas, and executed their projects. I provide some suggestions, to give us a better solution maybe. We work together as a team. One of the other things that ASME focuses on in addition to energy is the global workforce. Are there ways with you and your research, have you worked across countries, or worked across other sorts of boundaries using electronic tools? Currently we have not explored this. Were trying to collaborate with the international peers, however, we have some kind of IP issues with the University. Do you find that your students/researchers have to become fluent in IP terms and learning intellectual property law? Yes. Before they can join a project they get training from the University and the foundation, to understand the IP property issues, and not to distribute the information without permission. We have to be careful with IP issues because its related to some kind of economic benefit. What are some ways, you think, your students that are completing their programs, could be ready to be engineers in industry? They have to gain the manufacturing knowledge, learn how to find the problem, and how to solve the problem in the real world. In your current research are you working with industry at all? We have some collaboration with the 3M Company. They bring the problem to us and say well see how it can happen, how they can solve the problem. Thats directly very useful for research. Your students are getting early exposure to industrial RD. Yes, exactly. They understand the research is useful. Its not just a published paper. What are some differences for engineers to learn of academic RD versus industry RD? In Academia, generally people are following some very basic fundamental issues. There is a lot of false applications. For the industry, the work is driven by a specific application issue. Whats the challenge of the application in the real world? And then we try to combined the academic and the industry together, because that means, how do you say, is mostly is an application inspired researcher, so if theres any problem with the application then we go back to the fundamental issues. And then with the fundamental understanding the issue was the solution for the application. This is what we call a useful application inspired researcher. Tell me about how you began to get involved with ASME? What things have you initially got out of being an ASME member? The ASME is very good as a society, because I work in manufacturing and I get more experience and more networking with other peers in the industry. Beyond laptops and electric cars and smart phones, are there other areas where these nanomaterials can go? They can also be applied to the medical industry and tissue engineering. This is a medical manufacturing. And is your lab capable of covering all those areas? So far, not yet. We tried to collaborate with the medical center, and some experts in that field. Well see how we can apply our knowledge to sort of problems in the medical issues. We are looking for inspiration. Is there anything else youd like to say to early career engineers? Work harder for the course study, and then try to think independently and bridge the course learning with the future career opportunities. Then maybe theyre more excited for learning. Professor Shiren Wang has published papers on The ASME Digital Collection, including the following from the 2013 ASME Congress Proceedings (IMECE2013): Fabrication of Graphene Reinforced Aluminum Composite by Semi-Solid Processing